Risk Management Resources

Identify municipal liability and risk management issues to address rapidly rising costs and threats.

Our Risk Management resources are designed to spread awareness of new and emerging risk-related issues so your municipality can effectively deal with them, helping reduce their frequency and severity should the unthinkable happen. 

Available Tools and Resources

  • Risk and Claim Management Software
    AMO LAS has partnered with ClearRisk to assist municipalities in tracking their cost of risk.
  • Cyber Security Toolkit 
    AMO has developed a Cyber Security Toolkit showcasing best practices to improve your cyber security. 
  • Municipal Risk Management Working Group*
    This team develops and publishes educational materials to enhance municipal risk knowledge and build staff capacity.
  • Technical Working Group* 
    Advisors are currently investigating alternate risk financing tools outside of the traditional purchase of insurance.

    *These groups are comprised of municipal risk managers and those who manage risk as a part of their function from across the province.

Our Intact Partnership**

Intact Public Entities logo

Benefits of this partnership include:

All documents and information are provided as part of LAS’ education/awareness partnership with Intact Public Entities. These documents provide an opinion on key municipal risk management issue but are not meant to provide any form of legal advice or official interpretation. For definitive interpretations or opinions, we encourage you to contact your legal counsel. Documents are all rights reserved.



Shannon Devane, Program Manager - Municipal Risk Management
289.221.9226   |   sdevane@amo.on.ca