Municipalities want training that is relevant to them. That is why our workshops focus on the specific needs of our municipalities.
Energy Training
We offer a suite of cost-effective, energy-related workshops, either in-person at your location or online. All workshops are customizable to help lower utility costs, reduce your GHG emissions, comply with regulations, or to build a culture of conservation within your organization.
Available Workshops
Workshops are delivered through our partnership with Stephen Dixon of TdS Dixon/Knowenergy and his team of experts. Ask us about the IESO's training incentives.
Dollars to Sense Workshops
Customized content using material from 30 standard modules, covering technology, behavioural and organizational topics. If it’s related to energy efficiency, we can cover it. Workshops are designed to meet you where you are at in your energy conservation journey for any building(s) you choose.
Operating for Energy Efficiency
Discover how energy is used and behaves in a municipal facility, along with practical tips to influence efficiency.
Low Carbon/Net Zero Workshop
Using the Dollars to Sense curriculum, this workshop incorporates low-carbon/net zero strategies to help you reduce your GHG emissions and meet your climate emergency goals.
RETScreen Expert
Workshops are for municipal staff who want to monitor energy performance of a building and verify savings from conservation projects using RETScreen Expert software. Several offerings are available based on skill level.
Christian Tham, Municipal Program Specialist
416.971.9856 ext. 452 |