Municipal Risk Management Guides
With input from our expert Risk Management Working Group, LAS is sharing a series of guides on how municipal risk management works, including tips, current trends and challenges. Stay tuned for updates.
How do municipalities manage risk?
How do municipalities buy insurance?
Insurance Data Collection and Analysis
Risk and Procurement
Budgeting for Risk
Know your Total Cost of Risk
Evolving Approaches to Municipal Risk Management
Report of the Expert Panel on the feasibility of a water and wastewater utility model to be offered by LAS
Clean drinking water and effective wastewater treatment are among the most important services that people depend on every day from municipal governments. In response to growing challenges, the LAS Board asked to study the feasibility of offering a municipal utility model for water and wastewater in Ontario. An expert panel of municipal finance, economics, policy, legal and operations experts conducted the feasibility study throughout 2024.