Barrier-free Website Builder

One-stop shop for municipal websites

Program Benefits

  • Full-service agency that supports the needs of municipalities big and small
  • Meeting and exceeding AODA and WCAG 2.0 accessibility requirements
  • Modular, barrier-free web design and development
  • Integrated technologies and software
  • Ensures easy navigation for the public

Program Information

  • Award-winning website development that will amplify your municipality’s purpose while connecting with your community
  • Web content writing and editing
  • Accessible documents training and remediation
  • Writing for the web training
  • Communications planning, community engagement strategies, copy writing, website launch communications plan


“We have had countless positive experiences working with GHD as they too strive for a better, more accessible life for our citizens.”
Nicole Amaral, Manager of Creative Services and Digital Media City of Kitchener


Fernanda Lazzaro, Customer Service Representative 
416.971.9856 ext. 369   |

Program Partner

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