My Experience as a Co-op Student with LAS

By Juan Park
Business Development Intern - Risk Management, LAS

Time truly flies when you’re having fun—it feels like my first day at LAS was just yesterday, and I can’t believe my work term is already coming to an end.

Entering my first co-op term as a part of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Business Co-op program, I was excited to take on a public sector role for the first time, especially in risk management. From my very first day, I was welcomed by incredible managers and colleagues who made my internship a great experience. I believe that the people and culture are what make LAS and AMO so successful.

Even as an intern, I was given the opportunity to sit in important meetings, such as board meetings and those with corporate partners. I was also encouraged to get involved in various sectors of the organization, including risk management, business development, and marketing, among others. 

My main project for the term was assisting in the development of a Protective Association to help municipalities combat cyber threats. Additionally, I had the chance to present at the LAS AI Webinar, which had over a hundred registrants! This unique experience allowed me to share insights into Gen-Z’s familiarity with AI, its common uses today, and its future in the workplace.

Throughout the term, LAS gave me numerous opportunities to engage in meaningful work, and I always felt that my contributions were valued and appreciated. I hope that my efforts during this term will have a positive impact on communities across Ontario, and my experiences here have certainly opened the door to a future in the public sector.

Attending the 125th AMO Conference in Ottawa was another fantastic experience where I met many of AMO and LAS’s partners, connected with the Youth Fellows, and even had the chance to see Premier Doug Ford. It was a great time attending various sessions, presentations, and events, gaining insights into how governments work to improve the lives of Ontarians.

Additionally, I thoroughly enjoyed working in the vibrant and energetic core of downtown Toronto while benefiting from a hybrid work system. I also appreciated how my managers gave me autonomy and flexibility in my work and were supportive of my career aspirations. They even offered opportunities beyond my expectations, such as attending Ontario Risk and Insurance Management Society (ORIMS) events to network and learn from experienced professionals in the industry. This eventually led to my selection for the McGannon Foundation’s Student Involvement Program, where I received a sponsorship to attend the Canadian Risk and Insurance Management Society’s conference in Vancouver.

Overall, my work term at LAS has been an excellent experience. I am incredibly grateful to everyone at LAS and AMO for making my first co-op term an amazing time that I will never forget. 

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