Group Benefits Can Save Time and Money

By DJ Nascimento
Account Executive, Mosey & Mosey

Mosey & Mosey is here to develop your benefit plan philosophy, control plan expenditures and minimize the internal resources required to effectively manage your employee group benefit program. 

One of our clients says: ‘I have often said that if we did not have Mosey & Mosey, we would have to hire another staff person! The level of expertise exhibited by the Mosey team and their commitment to clients is an example of true customer service!’

Service has always been a cornerstone of our organization as we strive to consistently exceed our clients’ expectations.

Our service advisors are well equipped to advocate on your behalf in all areas of benefit plan management. From dealing with contentious claim issues, to creating custom communications, our team is an extension of your organization.

The right communication strategy can cultivate engaged employees and enhance value. Engagement from your employees is key to navigating the evolving benefit landscape.

Another client says: ‘Educating employees is fundamental to our program and Mosey & Mosey regularly supports our process through the delivery of benefit seminars, that are both interesting and informative. We always get great feedback from our non union and union employees.’

We are focused solely on group benefits, we deliver proactive plan management strategies and innovative solutions that help employers manage costs while delivering a meaningful benefit program aligned with strategic goals and objectives.

Let’s start the conversation, benefits are complex and evolving. It is possible for employers to meet the challenges and create innovate, meaningful programs.

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