The AMO Policy Team Invites You to the AMO 2021 Virtual Conference

The Policy Team at AMO is excited that the AMO Virtual 2021 AGM and Conference is just over one month away!

One of our roles in Conference planning is to create ideas and content for each of the concurrent sessions that run throughout the Conference. Between August 15-18, we are pleased to offer a series of 90-minute sessions that cover a multitude of topics:

•    Conservation Authorities 2.0 – No the Sky isn’t Falling 
•    Leveraging Partnerships and Planning to Meet the Best interests of Children and Youth 
•    Exploring the Economic Benefits of Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
•    Innovative Housing Solutions for your Community 
•    Community Paramedicine - What the Future Holds 
•    What’s Next in Waste Diversion
•    Cannabis 2021: Regulating Cannabis Growing in Municipalities – Opportunities and Challenges 
•    Municipal Engagement with Ontario Health Teams
•    Roadmap to Broadband Connectivity for all Ontarians – While Not Reinventing the Wheel 
•    Ontario’s New Policing Act: Considerations for Municipal Council Funders 
•    The Time is Now to Transform Long-Term Care 
•    Municipal Digital Transformation: Building Permits in the 21st Century
•    Cutting Out the Noise: What is Really Happening to Municipal Insurance Premiums?
•    Ontario’s Energy Future: Transformation, Innovation and Emerging Trends in the Energy Sector 

Each of these concurrent sessions include an interactive element to facilitate questions and answers with the speakers. The presentations will be available to view on-demand for 30 days after the Conference ends.

The most up to date agenda and program details can be found on the Conference webpage. We encourage you to register today!

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